Does Bumpass, Virginia really need a flag? Well, does a rooster really need to holler at the crack of dawn everyday? No. Does it? Yes! So, there you have it.

Incidentally, pictured above is the flag of Bumpass, Virginia designed by me (who else?) Is it official? It's officially done and has no official competitors, so official enough for me!

Meaning? Well, let it not be said that the Flag of Bumpass, Virginia is without significance. The meaning of the flag is as follows:
- The colors, bumpass green, old orange, smoky brown and golden-glow, are just because they are.
- The antlers and the constellation Orion are just because they are.
- The forest and river lines are just because they are.
- The flag, like Bumpass, Virginia, itself, just is.

All image files are linked at the bottom of the page.

Oh, and I expect to see an influx of merchandise, flags, cups, shirts, etc., featuring the flag forthcoming. This means you country stores. And, don't make me call you out by name 'cause I will.

JPG FILES: Full Size - Medium - Small - Thumbnail
SVG FILE: Full Size